To my mind, Blockbuster Video haunts like recent histories, a sinking reality no-one has the measure of yet, not like penny-dreadfuls, The Falklands and cholera. Inside, infernal concussions rack the shelves: Norris, Hewitt and Gellar in the 3 for £18, Vin van Diesel in the 2 for tens, 'thinking man's action hero' not being a coveted epithet, one he quickly shirked with a series of filmic inanities, all sarky hubbub with fries. How does the colour scheme, that primary yellow and blue, seem so old? (and that meaningless tagline, now gone- 'Wow, What a Difference!') Here it covers everything like a faded gauze, except the floor which greys into black by the doorway. This week, sponsored by a bounty of unused nectar vouchers, which means free rentals, I traced every wall of that place; from the amped-up Galaxian clone on the X-box Ubermachine, buzzing and fizzing at the uniformed kids gathered around, to the embarrassed shards of some momentumless eternal sale, the choicest cuts of which the staff themselves ransacked months ago. Jurassic Park plays on the screens in there most days, a compromise between the bloodlust of the staff and concerns for the kids with their Mums, but seeming contemporous with the scene; wild and sharp as duckbills in 1993, tired and unwired now. Sometimes the sound of the televisions doesn't work. Usually it does, but the often picture hurdles awkwardly. The second screen at the back never works now, meaning that the booming sonic reports of Spielberg's T-Rex, arrive without audio-visual accompaniment, like the gunshot-like sounds heard in cities that children are told are backfiring cars.

Chain stores serve up certain piognancies. My first heartbreak was outside a McDonalds; every branch recalls this somehow, in lurid waking-dream imperfection (every one being slightly more unsatisfying than the last, every one equally horribly lit). I saw a girl from my class, aged eleven, whose countenance was worshipped by parents and teachers alike. She was held up as a hard-working example of virtuous achievement, but she'd slept with nearly every boy in the sixth-form by the time she was thirteen. 'I touched her erogenous here' one said as he crossed ther threshold of McDonalds Nuneaton, and that stuck in my skull ever since.

A vague time-travel is possible here. While around Dalston various temporalites abound, from a Carribean sixties cheer to a Victorian tracing and beyond, Blockbuster seems to render unto us the most complete time-capsule around. To me it is 1993. Unsensual, vague 1993, which houses as much pop deitrus as any other year, Death Becomes Her and another Look Whos Talking, Naff and C&C, Metallers versus ravers after school, Chakademus and pliance of oneself with dregs from the coveted booze-box in the dining room. Childs Play 3, in which a puppet replaced the dummy bullets with real ones at a military school and crushed a man in a bin lorry; a film with low horizons that weren't made for the weight of the attention after a toddler named Bulger was kidnapped and murdered by pre-pubescents. Sometimes they show trailers on the screens: forthcoming attractions, filmic events that always seem made up. One of the best birthday parties I went to was in a hired cinema. We watched a sequence of trailers for two hours. Even films that are etched into the psyche flicker in this situation: A trailer for the original Star Wars now seems so redundant as to render the film's events, which are over-familiar, somehow fresh and cryptic again.

Gaudy remembrance of these fleeting nothings. Love in less-than-important eras provides the inhabitants with humming electrical heat but a hollow discharge; A sorry attatchment to forgettables. The things that will be gone and forgotten in twenty years have a transluscent fuzz all of their own.
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