Thursday, August 09, 2007


Self Savagery no. 1764: Sabotage your own career. Self-sabotage leads to freedom. Abandon your post, play with yourself in the loo instead. Pick your own exit. Pick your own death. Do something useful: watch cricket.

Below I quote my wife, Kym Calise, partner in the ways of Self-Savagery:

'It has come to my attention that many compnies are looking to ban facebook due to the fact that people are "wasting their time on it at work". However, the productivity of the UK has not suffered in any way, in fact, the pound is stronger than ever. We have invented so much efficient technology and advanced our working day vastly over the past 30 years, that we no longer NEED to work 8 hrs a day, 5 days a week to get all our work done. Doesn't anyone else think it's crazy that we are working the same amount of hours and days (if not more) than we did in the 1950s, and yet we are using such advanced technology? Isn't that what the industrial age and the digital age were aiming for? Fewer working hours and less working days? It seems that we have arrived, but are so blinded that we simply think if someone is on facebook, they have not done their work. On the contrary; we have more 'free time' at work even after completing our tasks that we need to 'look busy', and so many of us choose to use websites such as facebook to keep ourselves occupied in the meantime.WE DO NOT NEED TO BAN FACEBOOK, WE NEED TO REDUCE THE WORLD'S WORKING DAYS.This will also benefit the NHS, as it will vastly reduce the amount of stress-related illnesses (and let's face it, aren't most illnesses stress-related?), and will hopefully reduce petty crime rates, as parents will have more time to spend with their children.Doesn't everyone want to live in a safer, better and more relaxed environment?Now spread the word....'

'Life may be not only meaningless but absurd' Thomas Nagel